
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Student Council is the Gift that Keeps can fill in the blank

Amanda McAdams
Director of Elementary Education and K-12 Literacy at Lincoln County School District #2

During my 12 years as a high school student council advisor, I enjoyed many, many best days.  Approximately 40 students were in my class each year and we spent hours and hours and HOURS together outside of school on evenings and weekends. It was a family affair for some as many sets of siblings graced the student council room over the years.
Right now, what comes to mind is the final annual banquet my last year at Apollo High School in Glendale, Arizona in 2012.  Everyone one of my former student council presidents were able to attend and speak except for Nicole Brown. Even my very first president in 2001 was there, Bryan  Wong.  This banquet, or candlelight ceremony, happens every spring.  New officers are inducted as former officers “pass the torch/candle.”  Videos and slide shows are enjoyed by parents, students and faculty alike.
What was truly amazing was being able to sit back and relive memories over the previous 12 years.  As the wind blew my hair around to the sides and above me, images and feelings came flooding back as each president stood to speak briefly about their year, what was accomplished, and what their favorite moments were.  
Many mentioned our annual spring break trips to California (Alcatraz, San Diego Zoo, Disneyland, Magic Mountain, Big Bear, etc. Others mentioned planning and decorating dances.  Still others mentioned service projects like Adopt-a-Family, Race for the Cure, and canned food drives.  
An endless flow of tears streamed down my cheeks as I admired the amazing adults these students had become and how skills learned in student council had become a permanent part of their lives.

Why was it my BEST day?  Because I had a hand in the building of each and every one of the students there.  

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